0 00:00:00,240 --> 00:00:02,893 The Revelation of the Quran and the Greatness of the Month of Ramadan… 1 00:00:03,280 --> 00:00:15,874 یس و القرآن الحکیم انک لمن المرسلین الی صراط المستقیم 2 00:00:16,675 --> 00:00:29,132 When He wants to tell the Holy Prophet that he is His messenger 3 00:00:30,415 --> 00:00:34,124 He swears by this Quran 4 00:00:34,641 --> 00:00:39,302 And that also as 'والقران الحکیم' 5 00:00:43,076 --> 00:00:46,461 ق و القرآن المجید، 6 00:00:50,008 --> 00:00:53,892 ص و القرآن ذی الذکر. 7 00:00:56,760 --> 00:00:58,462 What is this book 8 00:00:59,490 --> 00:01:03,726 What is this ornament in our hands 9 00:01:04,675 --> 00:01:06,806 And we have not recognized this book 10 00:01:12,773 --> 00:01:21,944 شهر الرمضان الذی انزل فیه القرآن 11 00:01:23,651 --> 00:01:31,608 هدی للناس و بینات من الهدی و الفرقان. 12 00:01:33,409 --> 00:01:40,449 The magnificence of the month of Ramadan is due to revelation of Quran