0 00:00:00,816 --> 00:00:04,810 Amir Al-Mominin's (as) Advice to his Murderer before his Martyrdom 1 00:00:05,291 --> 00:00:11,052 He came to Mosque, came to the place where his murderer was sleeping 2 00:00:12,629 --> 00:00:27,625 he saw him sleeping on his abdomen, at the same place he presented this blessing to his murderer 3 00:00:28,549 --> 00:00:34,838 every word of him is a world of wisdom 4 00:00:35,426 --> 00:00:42,848 he said to his murderer, don’t sleep on you abdomen as this is sleep of Satan 5 00:00:43,610 --> 00:00:49,732 either sleep on your right side as it is the sleep of the scholars 6 00:00:50,236 --> 00:00:56,211 or sleep on the left side as it is the sleep of the wise ones 7 00:00:56,880 --> 00:01:01,384 don’t sleep on your back also as it is the sleep of the prophets 8 00:01:02,658 --> 00:01:05,884 he said this and then said 9 00:01:06,174 --> 00:01:10,292 I am aware of what you have hidden 10 00:01:12,608 --> 00:01:16,231 then he came and stood in the Mahrab 11 00:01:17,661 --> 00:01:20,887 he started offering the recommended morning prayer 12 00:01:23,401 --> 00:01:30,072 what a heart! What a spirit! He offered the recommended morning prayer 13 00:01:30,901 --> 00:01:38,116 Open the Quran! See the Sura Anbiya! 14 00:01:39,285 --> 00:01:46,050 That night, he recited Sura Anbiya in the recommended morning prayer 15 00:01:47,507 --> 00:01:57,297 his prayer as well as that Sura created a dooms day 16 00:01:57,767 --> 00:02:03,807 briefly, it is undescibale what happened 17 00:02:04,176 --> 00:02:09,166 Gabriel said between the earth and the heaven 18 00:02:09,442 --> 00:02:19,648 تهدمت والله ارکان الهدی انفصمت والله عروة الوثقی 19 00:02:20,130 --> 00:02:27,998 He said: I swear by Allah, the pillars of the guidance have collapsed 20 00:02:29,025 --> 00:02:33,055 there was an uproar which Allah knows 21 00:02:34,255 --> 00:02:41,527 the earth and the heavean are distrurbed, the universe is changed 22 00:02:42,126 --> 00:02:51,000 all the one hundred and twenty four thousand prophets have encircled the Kufa Mosque 23 00:02:51,717 --> 00:02:58,631 All of them are weeping but he says with a calm heart 24 00:02:58,921 --> 00:03:01,182 I swear by the Lord of Kabah, I have succeeded